My whole body is shaking more and more vigorously the further I walk up this driveway. “I just can’t do this, I really can’t”. I keep on imagining the worst-case scenario and these thoughts racing in and out of my mind really aren’t helping me right now. I take another step, each one taking me closer to the house. My heart is palpitating as my blood rushes throughout my veins. My breathing is becoming more difficult… “is this a panic attack?” I take a few more steps and stop. “I can’t kill someone, I just can’t, this is so unlike me”. “Am I really capable of such a thing? If I do this, I am going to feel guilty for the rest of my life but on the other hand, if I don’t I may be killed myself”. “This poor man, so innocent”. “He has no idea what is about to happen and that in less than 5 minutes his life will be over”. “I am just so stupid for getting myself into this situation in the first place”. “How could I be such a fool? This has got to be one of the hardest decisions I have ever made”. “There is just no right way out of this”. “Kill or be killed is all I can think”. “What if I’m caught? I’ll be imprisoned forever, no freedom, no family, no love. Just me, on my own, surrounded by prisoners, humans who have done such a thing just because they wish”.” Okay”, I think to myself. I must stop feeling sorry for myself and do the job that must be done. “This is for my husband”. “This is for my kids”. “This is for my family”. “This is for the better of the world”. 

I ever so slowly creep up to the house, up the driveway followed by the stairs. I creak open the door and take a step inside. “It’s so dark”, I think to myself. “I can’t see a thing”. Suddenly I hear noise and movements coming from up above, “ There’s my target” I whisper. Carefully I sneak 2 flights of stairs onto the 2nd story, and down the long dark hallway. “Who are you” I hear someone quietly say from behind me. I pause, “what the hell am I meant to do now, they know that I am here”. “This is not how the plan was supposed to go. I can’t do this I just can’t”. “This is such a terrible thing that I am doing”. “NO, STOP,” I think to myself. “I need to do this, kill or be killed”. I turn around aim the gun at the poor young man and pull the trigger. CRACK! The flaming hot bullet hits the front of the poor man’s head. His head being thrust back from the impact of the bullet is something I don’t think that I will ever forget. I reach behind me, grab the blade from out of my pants pocket and start to go to work on the body. “I still cannot believe what I just did”, I think to myself. “This is so wrong and gruesome”. “This is so horrible and cruel”. “This is just so mean and nasty”. 

I forcefully rip inside the body. Red velvet coloured blood pours from the poor old man’s stomach onto his nice business shirt and pants as I place the knife back into my pocket. “I feel terrible for what I am doing, but I just don’t have any other option”. “There really is nothing else I could have done”. I scan the area through the windows inside the house to check that there isn’t anyone coming or anyone outside. I carefully evaluate the murder scene. The poor old man has a nice business uniform on obviously because he was on his way to work. His hair was smoothed back with a ton of gel all throughout it and his shirt was a cherry blackcurrant colour from the stab wound that I created in his stomach. He also had car keys in his left hand, I’m guessing he was heading for his Ferrari Portofino. I smoothly take the car keys out of the poor old man’s hands and rush down the stairs and open the front door. And there right outside the murder scene stood 20 police, 7 police cars, and 3 ambulances. BANG!!

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